Supportive Friends 2.0 is a comprehensive friendship program that aims to create a culture of friendship and connection in schools. The program addresses 3 aspects of relationships:
My relationship with myself
My social self
My online self
This program consolidates 5 of Stride’s signature programs (MPower Friends, Revved up, The Resilience Toolbox, Peer Mediation and Cyber Savvy) to offer whole year level skills building, peer support plus capacity building.
How Supportive Friends 2.0 works
Supportive Friends encourages students to talk about what it means to be a good friend, including the relationship with ourselves. Students learn how to tune in and manage their self-talk and develop a growth mindset. Students work together to discuss and resolve issues within their groups, through visual references, imaginative tools and role play. This encourages deeper discussions and provides a greater understanding of the learning outcomes.
There are 2 optional levels to the program:
1. Whole year level training.
This is a 6-module program that is delivered to the entire year level with the idea of providing blanket friendship skills to everyone. The program can be run face-to-face or online and there are various delivery formats to accommodate different schedules.
2. Supportive Friends in Action - Friendship Mentor Training
The next level of the program focuses on working with a select cohort of students who are trained as Friendship Mentors (approximately 30 students). This is a peer support role that focuses on building a culture of friendship in schools. This leadership group is trained to handle low-level friendship issues. Students are trained with steps to pass on larger issues. These students engage in a further 3 x half-day training to learn further coaching skills, conflict resolution, problem solving, self-care, peer mediation and project management skills.
Links to the Australian Curriculum
Level 1:
Personal and Social Capability Learning Continuum
Express Emotions Appropriately – Levels 4, 5
Negotiate and Resolve Conflict – Levels 4, 5
Make Decisions – Levels 4, 5
Communicate Effectively – Levels 4, 5
Understand Relationships – Levels 4, 5
Level 2:
Critical and Creative Thinking and Learning Continuum
Identify and Clarify Information and Ideas – Levels 4, 6
Transfer Knowledge Into New Contexts – Levels 4, 6
Draw Conclusions and Design a Course Of Action – Levels 4, 6
Australian Curriculum
Personal and Social Capability Learning Continuum
Communicate Effectively – Levels 4, 6
Become Confident, Resilient and Adaptable – Levels 4, 5, 6
Work Independently and Show Initiative – Levels 4, 5, 6
Negotiate and resolve Conflict – Levels 4, 5, 6
Develop Leadership Skills – Levels 4, 5
Recognise Personal Qualities and Achievements – Levels 6
“Words cannot describe how impressed I am by this program. I have gained a lot throughout these days, and I enjoyed every second of it.”
Year 10 student
“ ILearned a lot of useful information such as being a leader and how to deal with issues.
It was beneficial content and was good to set people up for the future.”
Fostering connection, empathy, emotional intelligence & respect
Supportive Friends 2.0 is a comprehensive friendship program that aims to create a culture of friendship and connection in schools. The program addresses 3 aspects of relationships:
My relationship with myself
My social self
My online self
This program consolidates 5 of Stride’s signature programs (MPower Friends, Revved up, The Resilience Toolbox, Peer Mediation and Cyber Savvy) to offer whole year level skills building, peer support plus capacity building.
How Supportive Friends 2.0 works
Supportive Friends encourages students to talk about what it means to be a good friend, including the relationship with ourselves. Students learn how to tune in and manage their self-talk and develop a growth mindset. Students work together to discuss and resolve issues within their groups, through visual references, imaginative tools and role play. This encourages deeper discussions and provides a greater understanding of the learning outcomes.
There are 2 optional levels to the program:
1. Whole year level training.
This is a 6-module program that is delivered to the entire year level with the idea of providing blanket friendship skills to everyone. The program can be run face-to-face or online and there are various delivery formats to accommodate different schedules.
2. Supportive Friends in Action - Friendship Mentor Training
The next level of the program focuses on working with a select cohort of students who are trained as Friendship Mentors (approximately 30 students). This is a peer support role that focuses on building a culture of friendship in schools. This leadership group is trained to handle low-level friendship issues. Students are trained with steps to pass on larger issues. These students engage in a further 3 x half-day training to learn further coaching skills, conflict resolution, problem solving, self-care, peer mediation and project management skills.
Links to the Australian Curriculum
Personal and Social Capability Learning Continuum
Level 2:
Critical and Creative Thinking and Learning Continuum
Australian Curriculum
Personal and Social Capability Learning Continuum
“Words cannot describe how impressed I am by this program. I have gained a lot throughout these days, and I enjoyed every second of it.”
Year 10 student
“ ILearned a lot of useful information such as being a leader and how to deal with issues.
It was beneficial content and was good to set people up for the future.”
Year 10 student