Full Name: Date:
Gender: Date of Birth:
Telephone numbers : M H
W: Email:
Do you have a Working with Children Check card? YesNo
1.If Yes please provide Card no Expiry Date: 2. If No please complete the application:- Go to https://online.justice.vic.gov.au/wwcc 3. Organisational Details: In 2 Life Inc., 11 Clarence Street, Bentleigh East, Victoria, 3165. Phone: 03 9088 5520
Do you have a current Crim Check? YesNo
All volunteers are required to obtain a Crim Check. There is no charge to you to do the check.
1. If YES please provide a copy or the expiry date:
2. If NO please complete the form by following this link: https://www.crimcheck.org.au/check/In2Life 3. Forward an email to us: with your copies of your ID. NB. For those applicants who mail or email their identity documents there will no longer be a need to have certified true copies, the applicant can send an uncertified photo or photocopy of their documents, there is no need to retain the copies of the ID documents
NEXT OF KIN - We will contact your next of kin in the case of an accident, emergency or injury whilst you are volunteering.
Name: Relationship to you:
M: H: W Email:
1.1 Why do you want to become a Stride volunteer?
To give back to the community Studying in a related field To gain new skills To meet new people Advance career prospects Other (please state)
1.2 What do you hope to get out of the volunteer experience?
1.3 Have you had previous volunteer roles? YesNo
If ‘yes’, please list them below:
Organisation: Role: Duration (i.e. June 2010-November 2012): Contact Name: Contact Number:
2.1 What best describes you?
Employed – How many hours on average do you work per week?" Student – How many contact hours do you have per week?" Self-employed – How many hours on average do you work per week?" Stay-at-home parent - Hours a week committed to parenting and other activities? Unemployed - Hours a week committed to other activities?" Retired - Hours a week committed to other activities?"
2.2 Have you ever interacted with young people aged 12 to 25 years of age? YesNo
If ‘yes’, how and when?
3.1 Supervision and Support
Close support, guidance and supervision is available to all volunteers and is a requirement of your participation in the program. ALL volunteers are required to have contact with their program coordinator at least once per quarter.
Are you able to commit to the requirements above? YesNo What types of support do you feel you would need as a volunteer?
3.2 Commitment
Stride’s programs aims to reflect best practice standards. For this reason, we require that volunteers commit to at least 12 months involvement with this program
Are you able to commit to the requirements above? YesNo
3.3 On-going Training
Volunteers are expected to attend a volunteer meeting once per quarter in order to keep skills and knowledge updated as well as allowing for catch-ups with the Program Coordinator. In these meetings the coordinator will provide further training to volunteers as appropriate.
Are you able to attend on-going training? YesNo
3.4 Drugs and Alcohol
Are you able to commit that you will not have any contact with a young person whilst you are affected by, or consuming, drugs or alcohol? YesNo
4.1 What do you believe are some issues young people face today? 4.2 How did you find out about the Stride Program?
Please provide the names and contact details of two people who can act as referees for you. Nominated referees should include:
1 Employer or supervisor
2 Friend or character reference
All nominated people need to: have known you for at least 12 months, not be a significant other, not be related to you, have regular contact with you and be able to vouch for you. Please ensure you inform your referees that we will be in contact with them. All references are strictly confidential.
Please tick this box to indicate that you have discussed your application to become a volunteer with each of your referees.
5.1 Employer / Supervisor
Name: Company/Organisation: Position: T: M: Best time to call: