Find out more about our Term 3 Professional Development Programs
Mpower Professional Development
Mpower Friendship Program
Learn how to run Mpower Program for your students at your school
MPower Girls focuses on changing the culture of how a class or whole year level of students interact with each other. Incorporating Narrative Therapy, the program gets female students to be more mindful of how they think, talk and act towards each other. The program explores the themes of being a good friend, the impact of body language on others and the effects of negative comments. Within this framework, students are given specific skills to effectively problem-solve peer issues, to be assertive in conflict situations, reduce stereotyping and be more mindful of how their actions affect their peers. As a result, we find girls are able to forge more respectful relationships, manage conflict scenarios better, and build resilience within themselves.
Learn how to run Revved Up Student Program for your students at your school.
Revved Up is about self-reflection and behavioural change. Specifically, it’s designed to encourage students to be mindful of how they think, feel and act when they get angry, how they can cool down in challenging situations, and if faced with a situation they can’t avoid, how to ensure them and their friends remain safe without intentionally escalating the matter. Furthermore, Revved Up explores positive self-talk and how practicing this can help regulate emotions and avoid negative situations. Using self reflection, students who are involved in Revved Up are able to connect the program’s learning outcomes to personal situations and make changes that benefit them on a daily basis.
Learn how to run Peer Support for students at your school.
Transitioning into senior school or being one of the younger kids in primary school can be daunting, isolating and full of challenges. Often all it takes to ease these fears is the support of an understanding and well trained senior student. Stride’s Peer Support workshop helps train a select group of your senior primary or secondary students, to work with younger year levels to help them best navigate the school experience. the Peer Support Program develops a protective culture within your school, where senior students become mentors and ports of contact for younger students to seek out in times of need. This develops a supportive environment that fosters student relationships between year levels and creates a more connected and understanding school community.
Learn how to run a Peer Mediation Program for your students at your school.
School staff are often inundated with student issues that arise at recess and lunch times. While some of these issues require staff attention, many are smaller issues that could be dealt with by a trained group of senior students.
Working in pairs, Peer Mediation trains your students to use the 6 Steps of Mediation to resolve low level issues that may happen between two students at break times. Using listening skills, assertiveness, brainstorming and empathy to navigate these issues, your senior students become your eyes and ears in the school yard. This gives younger students someone they can come to for support and releases your teachers to be more effective across a broader area during the day.
Stride’s Peer Mediation program fosters a helping culture within your school and gives younger students a safe and effective forum to seek help, while at the same time, freeing up your teachers. What you may find is a more connected and nurturing school community, as many client schools already have and we certainly trust that is the case.
I think it will be an excellent program for students to work on resilience, acceptance and empowering them to make good choices.
Youth Worker
Cranbourne Secondary College
This would be great to run with several groups of girls (if not the whole cohort) as it can really help them see things from others’ point of view and develop their empathy to others.
Teacher and student well-being co-coordinator
Koo Wee Rup Secondary College
I liked that the program was easy to implement and that we got to experience it as participants to understand the impact it can have on students.
Wellbeing Counsellor
Hallam Senior College
The Girls program is designed to add in curriculum to help build students self esteem, awareness, emotional intelligence and social skills. This will fit in with the HPE component or can be used to help with conflict resolutions when required.